From our sisters at WDI USA Lesbian Caucus

HRC Declares a State of Emergency for Big Trans

The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) is the largest U.S. organization promoting “gender identity” ideology in the U.S. and abroad. Its website boasts that it has more than three million members and supporters nationwide. Originally founded in 1980 to campaign for lesbian and gay rights, HRC has now turned its considerable resources to erasing the reality of lesbians while simultaneously absorbing our previously hard-earned rights and hard-earned good will under the increasingly garish banner of “LGBTQ+.”

CNN recently published this piece, which describes the declaration by HRC of a national state of emergency for “LGBTQ+ people.” The group’s president describes a culture of “violence against LGBTQ+ people, forcing families to uproot their lives and flee their homes in search of safer states, and triggering a tidal wave of increased homophobia and transphobia that puts the safety of each and every one of us at risk.”

The Lesbian Caucus of WDI USA takes issue with HRC’s hyperbolic posturing:

  1. There are no “LGBTQ+ people.” There are females and males; and there are lesbians, gay men, and bisexual people of both sexes. Lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals have minority sexual orientations in common, and may sometimes work together for mutually agreed-upon goals. (Or they may work separately; so even “LGB” is not necessarily a community or a coalition or an acronym to be used automatically.) On the other hand, there are females and males who lie about their sex and their sexuality; and there are powerful corporations that create, encourage, fund, and use those lies and those liars to advance their corporate interests. The lies inherent in the acronym “LGBTQ+” advance the interests of lesbians, gay men, and bisexuals in name only; in reality, ‘TQ+” was invented for the purpose of erasing both sex and sexual orientation. “LGB” is by definition incompatible with “TQ+.” Men are immutably male, and they are not women, who are immutably female. Heterosexual men and women (whether they claim to be T, Q, +, or not) are not sexual minorities; neither group belongs in coalition with the historically oppressed sexual minorities who are same-sex attracted.

  2. A straight man who has a lesbian fetish and wants to be recognized as a lesbian suffers no lack of human rights, as there is no human right to be legally recognized and protected as something that you are not.

  3. What “LGBTQ+” does accomplish is the forced teaming of oppressor with oppressed. This is a kind of parasitism whereby people who lie about their sex, men with sexual fetishes, and straight people with “kinks” consume the movement of the sexual minorities who are simply same-sex attracted, to the benefit of the parasite and to the detriment of the host. “TQ+” wears the skin of lesbians and gay men, and carries our flag, incorporated into its own. And then “TQ+” uses and destroys whatever good will the lesbians and gay men have previously accumulated through decades of activism and public relations. As the general public begins to see the damage done by the parasitic “TQ+,” the willing or unwilling host is then vilified along with the parasite. For lesbians, this means being demonized by the left for rejecting men who claim to be lesbians; and by the right for being the L in LGBTQ+, the acronym of sexual perversion coming for their kids.

While there is no state of emergency for people who wish to erase the category of sex, there does exist a state of emergency for lesbians. To say that a state of emergency exists for lesbians is not hyperbole, and not a false reversal of HRC’s ridiculous declaration. It is HRC’s declaration of a state of emergency for “LGBTQ+ people” that is a reversal of reality. Here are a few examples of the current crisis for lesbians, which we have described more completely in the Lesbian Bill of Rights:

  • Lesbian spaces such as bars, nightclubs, holiday destinations, and dating sites have all but disappeared or been invaded by men, whether claiming to be lesbians or not.

  • Lesbians are once again hated by both right and left, and it has become acceptable even for some “gender critical” women to claim that lesbian sexuality is “unnatural” and perhaps not worthy of equal legal protection.

  • It is once again open season on lesbians for coercive sex aimed at heterosexual conversion: Lesbians are being given the choice of either being open to dating men or being socially, culturally, and economically ostracized. This comes alarmingly close to state-sponsored “corrective” rape.

  • Young lesbians are being lied to by all major institutions. They are told there is a way to escape being lesbian, and escape being female; and as we speak, young lesbians are being chemically and surgically deprived of sexual function, physically mutilated, and sterilized. An entire generation of young lesbians is being groomed for willing participation in this atrocity. Meanwhile, in a cynical reversal of reality, trans activists regularly cry about a statistically nonexistent “genocide” of people who claim to be “trans.”

It is not that lesbians are in a state of emergency because we are part of a mutually consensual coalition with kinky straight people calling itself “LGBTQ+.” The recent re-emergence of vicious lesbian oppression was created by a parasitic coalition and forced on us by our historic oppressors – the powerful men (and their corporations and their individual civilian enforcers) who aim to control and exploit all women and girls by enforcing feminine stereotypes. “Lesbian and gay pride” has become a sadistic circus, and HRC has been the main ringleader. Don’t buy HRC’s cynical reversal.

Original post dated 12 June 2023 on WDI USA Lesbian Caucus’s website. Published with permission of the authors.