Teachers, journalists, politicians and decision-makers are often confronted with data that make it seem like there’s only one option. The absence of a single, easy-to-use portal for statistics and facts about gender has hindered parents and professionals alike. That’s why Genspect created Stats For Gender.
Conservative Christians are not usually known for their love for lesbians and gay men. However, the NGO Family First NZ do care about children and Gender & Sexuality Education. They have some great resources on their website.
Our favourite is the two-part Youtube video, “You’re teaching my child what?” Part One. Part Two.
Watch the full “Family Matters” episode.
Here are a couple of their Fact Sheets:
Gender & Sexuality Education
How the New Zealand government pushes radical sexuality and gender ideology at children.“Pleasure Project” is about the New Zealand School Curriculum’s RSE - Relationships and Sexual Education. This is a printable PDF.
Parliamentary Questions, 15 August 2023
RSE Guide “not a requirement”
Question 12 - Chris Baillie* to the Minister of Education, Jan Tinetti
Does she agree that the Relationships and Sexuality Education: A Guide for Teachers, Leaders, and Boards of Trustees resource produced by the Ministry of Education “must” be included in teaching programmes for years 1 to 8 children, and that “the school does not need to seek parents' or caregivers' permission for ākonga to participate in the programme”?
*Chris Baillie is an ACT Party List MP and former teacher.